Privacy policy and personal data processing

This site, whose owner is Bitamine (legal name Bitamine Kultur Elkartea), is constituted by the website associated with the domain

The data provided by the user will be used solely and exclusively for strategic purposes. The data provided is protected.

These data will be incorporated in the corresponding treatment for which Bitamine is responsible, and in no case will these data be transferred to third parties (as in the case of telephone companies), except with the unequivocal consent of the concerned person or when it is authorized by the applicable law.

Bitamine guarantees confidentiality in the treatment of collected personal data, as well as the implementation of the measures, both technical and organisational, which ensures its security (that’s the least we can do).

Records of processing activities

The purpose of the treatments for which Bitamine is responsible are detailed in the Records of processing activities.

The user authorizes the automated treatment of the personal data that he/she has voluntarily provided in any of the sections on this site, or through other channels. In the same way, he/she will be responsible for the veracity of the data they provided, and our association reserves the right to exclude any person from the registered services who has provided false or fake data (which is so fashionable), without any harm.

Rights of the concerned person

In accordance with the applicable regulations, the concerned person may contact the association’s data protection representative for all matters, relating to the processing of their personal data to exercise their rights.
To do so, they may write to the data protection officer:

Her Data Protection (and Mother of Cookies) Highness

  • Incumbent Officer: Helga Massetani Piemonte
  • Department of Cross-Border Superhypergovernance.
  • Bitamine
  • C/ Lamisingo Iturria 1, OF 109B. Edificio Arretxe Ugalde 20305 – Irun
  • Email:
  • Telephone: +34 617 238 062